Risk Expert

Michael Schoevaart is managing partner and practice leader of “the Risk Practice”. He is a Dutch CPA (RA) as well as a Dutch Certified Information System auditor (RE). Michael is able to create value from his great passion for the art of risk management. He is an experienced facilitator of dynamic risk sessions on sensitive governance topics and complex (IT) projects. He works as a risk consultant for Dutch government agencies like the Dutch tax authority, the Department of Waterways and Public Works, the Justice department  and  the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom relations. He also works for a number of companies in the international energy sector like Tennet and Alliander. He is a Privacy and Security consultant to a number of hospitals on the subject of electronic patient records.

Michael writes a blog (Dutch) on risk management and is the initiator of the post bachelor education integral risk management at Avans+ higher education.
He lectures in Project Risk Management and the Skills of the Risk Manager.

For more information see:  Michaels profile

Link to Publications by Michael (Only available in Dutch)